Interview Steven F. Mezzacappa
Podcast Appearances

Article Features
Apreza, A. (2023, March 28). Showing passion with purpose. Msgr Farrell High School. https://www.msgrfarrellhs.org/lion-archives/c/0/i/71390652/article-2654
Chavanic, S. (2016, April 11). Building a life of purpose: Penn State's Mezzacappa named 'New Face of Civil Engineering'. Penn State News. https://www.psu.edu/news/academics/story/building-life-purpose/
Benanti, C. A., (2016, April 5). Staten Island native named USA's 'New Face of Civil Engineering'. Staten Island Advance. https://www.silive.com/inside_out_column/2016/04/staten_island_native_named_new_face_of_civil_engineering_nationwide.html
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